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Who is this program for?

This program is designed specifically for ambitious women in their early to mid stage career who struggle to feel confident, doubt themselves and are letting imposter syndrome from reaching their highest potential. If you struggle to speak up in meetings, in front of senior stakeholders, don’t know what’s lacking between you and your next pay raise, say goodbye to your struggles, because you have landed in the right place.

How long is the program?

This is a 3 month long program with a minimum of 8 live coaching calls extendable to 9 calls depending on the amount of mindset blockages we will have to work through. I am committed to see my clients transform with results hence I am not fixated on number of sessions.

Will I have access to you outside the sessions?

Yes, the program is designed for a 3 month support in between live sessions. You will have direct access to me on Slack or email as necessary.

What is the time commitment?

This program is designed for women who are ready to dedicate time to their career and personal development. The time investment would be live calls of 8* 60 minutes and pre and post session reflection exercises (normally take 1 hour).

Where does the Program take place?

We meet online which makes this program location-independent. Sessions take place over Google Meet. During our calls, it would be ideal to be in a quiet space to avoid any distraction.

What time are the calls?

This coaching program is meant to bring the best out of you, hence we meet at a mutually convenient time and is flexible to accommodate any life/urgent situations that may arise for both of us. We will discuss this on signing up to the program.

What is the investment? Are there any payment plans?

The investment for this 1:1 coaching program is NZD 1299 for 3 month program. Flexible payment plans are available.

Is there a money-back gaurantee?

Yes! Try this program without any risk! I have carefully curated my program and have full confidence in it which is why I offer a 3 week money-back guarantee. If within the first 3 weeks you find that the program doesn't align with your expectations, I will gladly refund your payment. Basically you have nothing to lose!

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